+1 (248) 723-7903

Modernize and Transform Your Business

acorn stars

Welcome to the Nutty World of Innovation!

Drive innovation and growth for your business with Proactive Technology Management. Our fusion development team is here to help you crack the toughest nuts in paperless office hyperautomation, cloud-based data analytics, and LLM-based generative AI.

Fusion Development Services Overview

Hyperautomation: Streamline Operations and Unlock Efficiency

Is your company still grappling with reams of paper, inconvenient forms, and outdated manual data entry processes?

Our hyperautomation solutions can help you digitize and optimize workflows using technologies like:

Key Benefits:

Microsoft Fabric: Unified Data and Actionable Insights

Is your data scattered across multiple systems, making it difficult to get a clear picture of your business? Do you struggle to get real-time insights, instead relying on outdated reports that are already obsolete as soon as they’re generated?

If so, be prepared to break down your data silos and gain access to a unified data landscape in real-time with Microsoft Fabric.

Our Fabric Data Platform solutions can help you with:

Key Benefits:

Generative AI Copilots: Boost Innovation and Productivity

Are you looking to leverage the power of generative AI to boost productivity and innovation in your organization, excited at the possibility of transforming how your business generates everything from sales proposals to marketing messages, but unsure how to make certain generated content is accurate and reliable?

Are you similarly excited about the possibilities presented by tools like Open AI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot to boost knowledge workers’ productivity, but uncertain how to integrate these AI tools into your existing workflows — without compromising data security or data privacy?

If so, we develop fully custom AI copilots and intelligent agents for productivity that address these concerns.

Leveraging enterprise-grade technologies like the Open AI Assistants API and LangChain, we ensure that your custom AI copilots are properly trained on your organization’s data and business processes, while ensuring that these data-driven AI assistants are compliant with your data privacy and data security requirements.

Key Benefits:

How It Works:

  1. Consultation: Understand your needs and objectives
  2. Design: Tailored solutions for your environment
  3. Pilot: Focus on top priorities to deliver quick wins
  4. Evaluation: Review ROI and outcomes to decide on next steps
  5. Scale: Expand successful pilots to full implementation and integration

Ready to go nuts?

Disclaimer: No actual squirrels were harmed in the making of this content. All puns are purely nut-ural. 😄